
利用汾酒酒糟生产冬虫夏草的工艺条件研究 被引量:4

Research on the Technical Conditions of Cordyceps sinensis Cultivation by Distiller’s Grains of Fen Liquor
摘要 为提高汾酒酒糟的附加值,以汾酒酒糟为主要原料,采用液态深层培养法生产冬虫夏草,以菌丝体干重、胞内多糖产量为质量控制指标,通过单因素试验确定了冬虫夏草的最佳培养条件为:培养温度26℃,发酵时间5 d,接种量8%。在此条件下,冬虫夏草的菌丝体干重达到17.52 g/L,胞内多糖占菌丝体干重的19.13%。 In order to improve the added value of distiller' s grains of Fen liquor, it was used as main raw materials to cultivate Cordyceps sinensis by liquid submerged culture. The dry weight of mycelium and endocellular polysaccharide were used as quality control indicators. The optimum culture conditions were determined as follows by single factor test: culture temperature was at 26 ℃, fermentation time was 5 d, and inoculating quantity was 8 %. Under the above conditions, the dry weight ofmycelium was 17.52 g/L, and the content of endocellular polysaccharide in the dry weight of mycelium was up to 19.13 %.
出处 《酿酒科技》 2010年第5期95-97,共3页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 综合利用 汾酒酒糟 冬虫夏草 工艺条件 comprehensive application distiller's grains of Fen liquor Cordyceps sinensis technical conditions
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