In order to realize the miniaturization of three-dimensional cone-beam CT image reconstruction system to small-scale, A three-dimensional image reconstruction system based on FPGA is established, The memory bandwidth requirement of the FDK reconstruction algorithms and the data throughput of the storage system which is composed of SDRAM, SRAM and the internal RAM resource of FPGA is introduced. First, based on filtering algorithms and back projection algorithms the memory bandwidth requirement of a three-dimensional cone-beam CT image reconstruction system is studied, Then, a data access scheme is presented, which uses a SDRAM chip as its main storage a SRAM chip as its external cache and the SRAM resources of FPGA as its internal cache. Then, the process of the implementation and the testing methods of the storage scheme is introduced, Finally, data access capacity of the three-dimensional image reconstruction system was tested, Experimental results indicate that: the storage system can achieve a sequential access data rate of 151.9MB/s and a random access data rate of 100MB/s. It can satisfy the memory bandwidth requirement of a small-scale three-dimensional image reconstruction system.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology