Distribution-tunable ZnO nanorod arrays are prepared on the inner wall of microchannels of microfluidics devices. Firstly well-dispersed ZnO crystal seeds are fabricated on the inner walls of long silica microcapillaries through utilization of nanosized reverse micelles combining with an unconventional demulsification technique. By using the asprepared ZnO seeds, flower-like clusters of ZnO nanorod arrays are obtained on the inner surface of the microcapillaries. By tuning the molar ratio of water to cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide, distances among the seeds are well tailored and simultaneously control the distribution density of the final ZnO nanorod arrays. This work opens a new possibility for the formation of nanopatterns on long sealed microchannels. Moreover, further improvements of this approach are expected to result in unique architectures at the nanoscale in microchannels suitable for the development of functional integrated microfluidic devices.
国家自然科学基金项目(No.50772022 50772127)