
关于外包数据库完整性验证的研究 被引量:3

Research on Integrity Verification of Outsourcing Database
摘要 数据库外包是一种重要的新兴的趋势,它让数据所有者把他们的数据管理工作委托给一个外部服务商。服务商管理客户的数据库,为客户提供安全可靠的机制来创建、存储、更新和访问他们自己的数据库。这种模式引出了数据安全的研究议题,文中通过对比几种不同的签名方式,提出了有效的数据完整性机制模型和安全有效的压缩RSA方案来确保数据的完整性和真实性。它在单一客户端和多查询者模型中运行良好,同时保证了计算量和带宽损耗在最低范围内。 Database outsourcing is an important emerging trend which involves data owners delegating their data management needs to an external service provider. The service provider hosts clients' databases and offers seamless mechanisms to create,store,update and access their databases.This model introduces several research issues related to data security.By comparing the signatures of several different ways,conclude with effective mechanisms for data integrity model and a safe and efficient condensed-RSA program to ensure data integrity and authenticity.It works well in a unified client and muti-querier model,while ensuring that the computational and bandwidth overhead at the lowest range.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第5期150-153,157,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
关键词 外包数据库(ODB) 完整性 压缩RSA outsourced database integrity condensed-RSA
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