

Improve Chinese Regimes on Behalf of Consent from the Ethical Perspective
摘要 知情同意理论当下已经成为医法学者研究的热点。我国知情同意理论法律制度的不健全,特别是作为其重要组成部分的代为同意制度的不完善,严重地阻碍了医患关系的发展。以伦理视角为切入点,可以从下列几个方面完善该制度:一是确立紧急情形下强制诊治义务和责任限制原则;二是规范紧急情形下代为同意主体排序和程序;三是健全代为同意的社会责任保障制度。 At the present time, theoretical system of Informed Consent has become the research focus of physician and jurists. Without a doubt, theory of Informed Consent in Chinese legal system is not perfect, regimes on behalf of consent are particularly poor. Even it has seriously hampered the development of doctor-patient relationship. Therefore, this article writes three proposals from the ethical perspective: First is to establish treatment obligations and limitations of liability in emergency conditions. Second is to regulate the subject sequence and procedures on behalf of consent in emergency situations. Third is to improve social insurance and liability insurance on behalf of consent regimes.
作者 牛志民
机构地区 辽宁医学院
出处 《辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期19-21,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Medical College:Social Science Edition
基金 辽宁省教育厅2009年度高等学校科研项目计划课题(编号:2009A466)的系列成果之一
关键词 公平正义 经济伦理 行政伦理 代为同意制度 justice, economic ethics, administrative ethics, on behalf of consent regime
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