4London Bombings: The Unread Newspaper, Posted by Tim Porter at July 7, 2005 http://www.timporter.com/firstdraft/archives/000468.html
5Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis:We Media,Edited by J.D. Lasica, Commissioned by The Media Center at The American Press Institute Published July 2003 online in PDF
6Steve Outing.The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=83126
7Ronda Hauben : OhmyNews and 21st Century Journalism http://engliskohmynews.om/articleview/article_viewasp?article_class=8&no=246787&rel_no= 1
8Jan Schaffer. Communities Find New Voices, One at a Time http://www.j-newvoices.orgfmdex.php/site/story_spotllght/grantee_progress/
9Hartsville Messenger Expanded Community Coverage, Douglas J. Fisher of the University of South Carolina Research Foundation. http://www.j-lab.org/newvoices_pr3.html
10A new brand of journalism is taking root in South Korea, The San Jose Mercury News, May 18, 2003.Business Section.