3McManus, John H. Market—driven Journalism:let the citizen beware? By Thosand Oaks,CA: Sage, 1994.
4Reid Hastie and Robyn M. Dawes(2001). Rational choice in an uncertain world:the psychology of judgment and decision making, Sage Publications, Inc. P199.
5转引自Vollmer, Howard M. & Mills, Donald L. (Eds.) (1966). Professionalization. Englewood Cliffs, N. J: Prentice Hall.
6Michael Schudson, Discovering the News: a social history of American Newspaper, Basic Books, lnc. 1978.
7加利福尼亚大学新闻学教授Thomas Leonard在《墙,漫长的历史》(Wall:a long history)说,历史学家关于这一称谓的起源并无考证结果,但《芝加哥论坛报》的Col. Robert R. McCormick和《时代周刊》的创始人Henry R. Luce被认为可能“国家”与“教堂”这一称谓有所关联。转引自Leonard Thomas, Lessons from L. A: The Wall: A Long History, Columbia Journalism Review, 2000 January/February.
9Independent Day, American Journalism Review, 1998, 6.