

Inspiring Strategies on Resolving Employees' Career Plateau
摘要 企业员工遭遇职业高原,不但会对企业员工带来许多负面的影响,而且对于企业的良性发展也起到桎梏作用。因此,企业应从内部和外部两个方面对企业员工进行激励,以消除职业高原的负面影响。内部激励策略有自尊激励和自我实现激励两种策略,外部激励有工作重新设计、工作内容明确、让职工参与管理、双通道晋升等7种激励策略。 Employees' experiencing career plateau can not only bring some unfavorable influence to the employees, but also confine the development of the enterprises. Therefore, the enterprises should inspire their employees both internally and externally in order to eliminate the unfavorable influence brought by career plateau. There are two internal inspiring strategies, namely, self-respect inspiring and self-realization inspiring, and seven external ones, including task-redesignment, task-clarification, employees' involvement in managing, two-way promotion etc.
作者 郭豪杰
出处 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2010年第2期97-100,共4页 Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute
关键词 职业高原 人力资源管理 内部激励 外部激励 Career plateau human resource management internal inspiring external inspiring
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