大豆小真叶愈伤组织在含NaCl 0 % (ck)、0 4%、0 8%、1 2 %、1 6%的培养基中进行 2 4、48、72h短时间培养和 1 6、2 0、2 4d长时间培养 ,结果表明 ,愈伤组织对盐胁迫都有过氧化物酶活性升高的适应性反应。短时间培养 ,高盐比低盐酶活升高快 ,且值高 ;长时间培养 ,低盐比高盐酶活升高幅度大。
The young true leaves callus of soybean is cultured on various mediums which contain 0%(control),0.4%,0.8%,1.2%,1.6% NaCl for short time,i,e.24,48,72hours and for long time,i,e.16,20,24 days.The results showed that peroxidase activity in callus was raised in order to adapt the salt stress.POD activity was higher and raised quickly in high salt stress than lower salt stress when callus was cultured for short time.On the contrary ,POD activity raised in a great extent in lower salt stress than high salt stress when callus was cultured for long time.