对电力系统中发生的同时故障或多点故障进行分析通常是一项极具挑战性的工作。短路电流计算程序的不断发展使得多点故障建模成为可能,故障录波及微机继电保护装置记录的故障波形为分析故障提供了极为有力的资料。描述英国国家电网公司美国分部(NG USA)结合短路电流模拟程序及故障录波分析再现同时性故障或多点故障的发展过程。通过对2个案例的分析研究,展现综合使用现场故障录波及短路电流模拟程序进行故障分析的优越性。
Simultaneous or multi-circuit fauhs when they occur can be a challenging task to analyze. Advances in short circuit modeling software make it possible to model simultaneous faults. In addition, digital fault recorders provide valuable insight as to the nature of the faults. The actual scenarios resulting from the simultaneous or multi-circuit faults were reliably described with the combining usage of short circuit simulation software and fault records by National Grid, USA. Two case studies were presented demonstrating the benefits obtained by applying real data from the fault records and the use of simulation tools.
Electric Power