
凋亡相关基因bcl-2、bax、fas在厌食症患儿舌苔细胞表达的研究 被引量:3

Expression of Apoptosis Associated Gene bcl-2,bax and fas in Tongue Cells of Children with Anorexia
摘要 目的研究凋亡相关基因bcl-2、bax和fas在厌食症患儿运脾治疗前后舌苔细胞内的表达情况。方法采用免疫组织化学和TUNEL细胞凋亡原位检测技术进行凋亡蛋白的定位和定量分析。结果厌食症患儿厚腻舌苔治疗前舌苔细胞中bcl-2基因表达增加,bax和fas基因表达下降,而花剥苔治疗前舌苔细胞中bcl-2基因表达下降,bax和fas基因表达增加,与正常薄苔相比差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。经过中药"儿宝方"治疗后,bcl-2、bax和fas在厚腻苔、花剥苔以及正常薄苔细胞中的表达差异无显著性(P>0.05)。厌食症患儿治疗前后舌苔细胞中凋亡相关基因的阳性单位(PU值)与对照组相比差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。厌食症患儿经中药"儿宝方"运脾治疗前后以及治疗前与对照组的凋亡指数(AI)差异有显著性(P<0.05),而治疗后与对照组差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论bcl-2基因和bax、fas基因在厌食症患儿舌苔细胞中分别有抑制和促进凋亡作用,中药"儿宝方"运脾治疗可以调节厌食症患儿舌苔细胞的凋亡平衡。 Objective To study the expression of apoptosis associated gene bcl-2, bax, fas in tongue cells of children with anorexia before and after TCM activating spleen treatment. Methods The apoptosis of tongue cells was detected by immune-histochemistry and TUNEL in situ cell apoptosis detection technology. Results In muskeg tongue cells of children with anorexia, the expression of bcl-2 gene was up before treatment with TCM drug "er bao fang" , and the expression of bax and fas gene was down. However,it was the other way round in map tongue cells ; After treatment with TCM drug" er bao fang", the expression of bcl-2 ,bax and fas gene came back to be normal. The numbers of positive unit(PU) had no significant difference between before and after treatment. The difference of apoptosis index (AI) was significant before treatment, and was not significant after tretment. Conclusion During the apoptosis of tongue cells of children with anorexia, the function of bcl-2 gene and bax, fas gene was constrainning and accelerationg respectively. TCM activating spleen treatment with" er bao fang" could banlance the apoptosis of tongue cells.
出处 《临床消化病杂志》 2010年第2期82-84,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
基金 深圳市科技局资助项目(200603232)
关键词 厌食症 舌苔 细胞凋亡 免疫组织化学 Anorexia Tongue cells Apoptosis Immune-histochemistry
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