
个体早期动作发展研究述评 被引量:12

A Review of the Research on Early Motor Development
摘要 个体早期主要借助于动作来实现和环境的相互作用,在这个过程当中不仅个体的动作能力得到了发展,更为重要的是其心理功能也得到了建构。本文尝试从领域复兴的背景,当代研究现状等方面对个体早期动作发展领域的研究做一梳理,并对该领域的未来的发展趋势做了展望。 The interaction between individual and environment goes through locomotion. During this process, not only the individual' s motor capacity develops, but also the psychological function is constructed. This paper tries to make an overview of motor development on two aspects, i. e. , the revived background and current studies. In the end, the authors also speculate some critical issues for the future
作者 马明伟
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期387-389,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 动作发展 动力系统理论 生态心理学 motor development, dynamic system theory, ecological psychology
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