
文化智力的构思和准则关联效度研究 被引量:16

Cultural Intelligence:Its Construct and Criterion-related Validity
摘要 本文对由Earley和Ang提出的文化智力的测量量表在具有跨文化工作经历背景的中国管理人员中的适用性进行了研究。研究一对334位有海外经历的中国企业管理人员用该量表进行了测量,结果显示该量表有较好的构思效度,回归分析显示,文化智力对自评的工作绩效和互动适应等有显著影响关系。研究二采用自评文化智力和主管评价工作绩效及互动适应的方法,对某公司从事海外业务的131位管理和专业人员进行了调研,结果显示文化智力对他评工作绩效和互动适应有一定的预测性。 Based on Earley and Song's 4-dimension Cultural Intelligence(CQ) model, this paper studied the construct and criterion- related validity of CQ in the Chinese context. Study 1 surveyed 334 managers with overseas working experiences. The results showed that the four-dimension construct of CQ was proved by EFA and CFA and CQ had significant effects on role-based performance and interaction adaptation. Using self-reports of CQ and supervisor-ratings of performance and adaptation, Study 2 sampled 131 managers and professionals and their supervisors in a Chinese company. The results revealed that CQ had some significant effects on some dimensions of role-based performance and interaction adaptation.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期485-489,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(资助号:70672073) 上海市曙光学者计划 上海交通大学晨星优秀青年教师基金资助
关键词 文化智力 构思效度 准则关联效度 Cultural intelligence, Construct validity Criterion-related validity
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