

Running Optimization for the Energy Management System of Electrostatic Precipitator
摘要 某发电厂原有电除尘器除尘效果不佳且能耗较大,通过设备改进和电除尘能量管理系统运行优化,确保了除尘效率达到设计要求,并降低了运行电耗。该运行优化方案对同类型设备具有一定的借鉴意义。 This paper introduces the principle of the electrostatic precipitator system,which used to operate in a high energy consumption and low dust-removal efficiency way in a power plant.By improvement and adjustment of energy management system of electrostatic precipitator,the design requirement was reached and the electricity consumption was reduced.This scheme made a reference for the same type equipments in our country.
出处 《浙江电力》 2010年第4期34-36,共3页 Zhejiang Electric Power
关键词 电除尘器 整流变 控制方式 振打 闭环控制 节能 electrostatic precipitator rectifier transformer control mode vibration close loop control energy saving
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