
低碳经济背景的排放权交易体系走向评估 被引量:4

Assessment of Development Trend of Emission Right Trade System under the Background of Low-Carbon Economy
摘要 对我国目前减排机制与排放权交易发展现状的评估表明,我国的清洁发展机制与排放权交易制度体系已经初步形成,但其发展还不完善。为进一步完善我国排放权交易体系,在交易市场方面,应强调扩大规模、整合市场、建立多层次交易体系;管理体制与机制方面,应强调专业管理、强化监督、追求高效;政策法规方面,碳排放交易法规与税收政策应同时使用;技术创新方面,应建立有效的应对气候变化的技术开发与转让机制;资金运用方面,应以清洁发展机制基金为基础,打造我国的节碳基金;配套体系方面,应完善与低碳经济相适应的金融体系,完善相关法律制度体系,建立和完善环境会计及排放监测体系;国际竞争与合作方面,应坚持原则、积极参与、维护利益。 The assessment of the development status of China's current emission reduction mechanism and emission fight trade shows that China's clean development mechanism and emission fight trade system have come into being at the initial stage, but their development is not perfect. To further perfect the emission right trade system, it is emphasized to expand the scale and integrate markets and build a multi-level trade system in the aspect of trade markets; to focus on professional management, strengthen supervision, and pursue efficiency in the aspect of management system; to use both the law of carbon emission trade and tax policy in the aspect of policy and regulation; to build an effective mechanism of technological development and transfer to deal with climate change in the aspect of technical innovation; to take clean development mechanism fund as a basis in the aspect of funding operation and build a fund in carbon reduction; to perfect the financial system adapted to low-carbon economy and enhance relevant legal system and establish and improve environment accounting and emission monitoring system in the aspect of matching system; to adhere to principles, participate actively and safeguard the interests in the aspect of international competition and cooperation.
作者 郑伟
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期104-110,共7页 Reform
关键词 低碳经济 排放权交易 交易体系 清洁发展机制 low-carbon economy, emission right trade, trade system, clean development mechanism
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