
一种新的步态触觉特征分析系统的重测信度 被引量:2

Test-Retest Reliability of a Novel Platform System for Gait Analysis
摘要 评估一种新型步态触觉特征分析系统的有效性,对其重测信度进行研究,实验采集39名健康测试者正常步速下间隔10天的两次数据,用组内相关系数表征一个步态周期中足底各分区的最大压力和接触时间的重测信度,以多重相关系数表征足底三维力波形的重测信度,研究结果表明该系统在步态触觉特征参数测量中具有较好的重测信度。 Assessed the validity of a novel gait measurement system,it's test-retest reliability was evaluated.39 healthy subjects were tested at preferred speed on two occasions ten days apart.Intra-class correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the repeatability of the plantar pressure distribution parameters which include the maximum pressure and contact time of different plantar partition in a gait cycle.Coefficient of multiple correlation was used to evaluate the repeatability of force waves.Experiment results indicate moderate to high repeatability of the system.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期626-629,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院院长基金资助(0722B11141)
关键词 步态触觉特征分析系统 重测信度 组内相关系数 多重相关系数 gait analysis system test-retest reliability ICC CMC
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