针对某房产中介公司的业务现状,系统设计总体上采用以Bowser/Server(简称B/S)的三层结构模型,选择Visual Studio2005的开发环境,使用ASP.NET2.0的开发技术,首先采用UML统一建模语言,根据系统需求进行总体设计,得出该系统需要实现房源信息管理、客户信息管理、加盟店信息管理、员工信息管理、发布新闻公告、收集反馈意见、对用户权限进行划分、密码修改找回等功能,然后使用C#语言编写业务代码,SQL Server2005开发系统数据库,实现房产中介信息管理系统。
Against a real estate intermediary status of the company's business, system design in general to adopt a Bowser / Server(referred to as B / S) of the three-tier structure model, select the Visual Studio 2005 development environment, using ASP.NET 2.0 development techniques, first using UML Unified Modeling Language, according to system requirements for the overall design, arrive at the system needs to achieve the availability of information management, customer information management, franchise information management, employee information management, and issue a press release to gather feedback on the user rights to be divided, features such as password changes back, and then use the C # language service code, SQL Server 2005 database development system to achieve real-estate agents information management system.
WANG Wen-jun, HU You-jun, WANG Zhong-zhuang(Nanchang University College of Science and Technology,Nanchang 330029,China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology