双折射调谐器是用于染料激光器的调谐,调谐器的光轴与其表面的夹角 E,直接影响调谐器的调节灵敏度.分析指出:对石英晶体,将 E 角设计在最灵敏区域30°—35°,可在调谐调节角度不超过±20°的条件下,将调谐器的波长覆盖从可见光区延伸至红外区.
The angle between the surface of the crystalline quartz plate and its opticalaxis is a very important factor for the birefrngent filter designed for dye lasersA proper choice of the value of this ange,as to say 30—35 DEG,can make thewavelength range of the filter extended to infrared from visible region with theadjust angle A no more than±20 DEG.In this way,a birefringent tuner withits wavelength range as wide as 4000—8000A can be got.
Journal of Qufu Normal University(Natural Science)