
中印环境非政府组织的比较 被引量:1

Environmental NGOs in India and China: A Comparative Study
摘要 从现有的统计数据看,中国的环境非政府组织比印度的数量要多,但由于两国对环境非政府组织的定义、分类标准和数据收集的方式不同,所以不能做出数量多寡的直接判断;但是,两国环境非政府组织的发展史和发展环境的差异,可以说明印度民间的草根性环境非政府组织的数量要远远多于中国。两国环境非政府组织在分布区域、活动范围、中坚力量与周围环境的关系、作用及影响方面存在一些共同之处,但在组织的监管和运作章程、活动范围、成员、领导人、社会基础和与政府的关系方面又存在不少差异。鉴于印度环境非政府组织的发展早于中国,而且比中国发达,中国环境非政府组织的发展可以吸取印度的教训,借鉴其成功的经验。 As far as the statistical data is concerned, there are more environmental NGOs in China than in India. However, we can' t draw that conclusion directly from the data because of their different definitions, different classifications and different ways of data collection for environmental NGOs. On account of the different historical developments and surroundings in India and China, we can conclude that there are more grassroots environmental NGOs in India than in China. Although the environmental NGOs in the two countries have some commonness in their distributing areas, activities, main bodies, relationships with their surroundings, impacts and roles, there are many differences in their organizational managements and running rules, members, leaderships, social bases and relationships with their governments. Considering that the environmental NGOs in India became into being earlier and are now more developed than in China, China' s environmental NGOs can draw some lessons from their successful experiences.
作者 张淑兰
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2010年第2期78-83,共6页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 山东大学人文社会科学青年成长基金后期资助项目"印度的环境政治"研究阶段性成果
关键词 环境非政府组织 环境政治 environmental NGOs environmental politics
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