"Ecological Modernisation" -- understood as systematic eco - innovation and diffusion has by far shown the largest potential to achieve environmental improvements. In general, the market logic of modernisation and competition for innovation combined with the market potential of global environmental needs serve as important driving forces behind the ecological modernisation. In recent times, however, two additional factors have favoured the rise of ecological modernisation. Firstly, there is a growing evidence for the importance of "smart" environmental governance. Secondly, the increasingly complex actor constellation of global environmental governance leads to mounting business risks for polluters and thereby exerts pressures for eco - innovation. Despite these favourable framework conditions, the strategy of ecological modernisation nonetheless faces a number of inherent limitations. These include the unavailability of marketable technological solutions for all environmental problems, the neutralisation of incremental environmental improvements through economic growth (the dilemma of the"N -curve") as well as powerbased resistance by"modernisation losers". Against this background, structural solutions seem indispensable. Here, eco - innovations should be supported by transition management or ecological structural policy. The latter should be creative and far- reaching but seek to avoid "creative destruction".
Journal of Poyang Lake
ecological modernisation
environmental innovation
environmental governance