目的探讨葡萄酒色斑(Portwinestains,PWS)病灶组织的增厚、皮脂腺增生与血液中雄激素睾酮水平之间的关系。方法选取39例头面部PWS的成年患者,根据病灶的大体和病理学检查结果,分为病灶平坦皮脂腺未增生和病灶增厚皮脂腺增生两组。检测患者血清雄激素睾酮浓度,按照不同性别比较,并进行统计学分析。结果女性PWS病灶平坦皮脂腺无增生组的血液雄激素睾酮浓度为0.415±0.122pg/mL;女性PWS病灶增厚皮脂腺增生组的血液雄激素睾酮浓度为0.625±0.245pg/mL;两组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。男性PWS病灶平坦皮脂腺无增生组的血液雄激素睾酮浓度为4.561±1.166pg/mL;男性PWS病灶增厚皮脂腺增生组的血液雄激素睾酮浓度为6.353±1.688pg/mL;两组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 PWS病灶增厚皮脂腺增生的患者与同性别病灶平坦无皮脂腺增生患者的血液雄激素睾酮浓度存在有显著的统计学差异,提示病灶组织的增厚与血液中雄激素水平增高存在相关性。
Objective To study the relationship between level of testosterone and sebaceous hyperplasia in port wine stains (PWS) lesions. Methods Thirty seven patients with PWS on the face were divided into two groups: the lesions are plain without sebaceous byperplasia (group A), the lesions are thick with sebaceous hyperplasia (group B) according to sebaceous hyperplasia of the lesions. The testosterone in the blood serum was inspected. And the concentration of the testosterone in the blood serum was analyzed. Results The concentration of the testosterone in the blood serum was 0.415±0.122 pg/mL in group A, and 0.619±0.255 pg/mL in group B, in the female patients (P〈0.05), and in male patients 4.561±1.166 pg/mL without sebaceous hyperplasia and 6.414±1.778 pg/mL with sebaceous hyperplasia (P〈0.05). Conclusion The concentration of the testosterone was significant difference between group A and group B in the same sex. There was a correlation between the thick of the lesion and the concentration of the testosterone.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
Port wine stains (PWS)
Sebaceous hyperplasia