
当代环境美学与环境保护论的要求 被引量:9

Contemporary Environmental Aesthetics and the Requirements of Environmentalism
摘要 自然审美经验对于保护和保存自然环境是至关重要的。针对与自然审美欣赏相关的两种传统立场,即如画性景观立场和形式主义艺术理论,一些环境保护论者认为这两种自然审美欣赏立场所关联的模式存在一定误区,指责它们是人类中心主义的、风景迷恋的、肤浅的、主观的和道德缺失的。基于传统自然美学的这些不足,环境保护论对构建恰当和完善的自然审美欣赏模式提出了五项要求,即自然美学应该是非中心的而非人类中心主义的,关注环境的而非风景迷恋的,严肃认真的而非肤浅轻浮的,客观的而非主观的,关涉道德的而非道德缺失的。从这个角度对当代环境美学中的参与美学与科学认知主义这两种立场进行考察和评价,可以看出当代环境美学重视环境保护论的要求,不仅关注风景性的环境,也关注其他类型的环境,对传统自然美学有质的超越。 Allen Carlson 15 Since the aesthetic experience of nature has been and continues to be vitally important for conservation and preservation of the natural environment, this essay addresses the relationship between contemporary environmental aesthetics and environmentalism. The essay first examines two traditional positions concerning aesthetic appreciation of nature, the picturesque landscape approach and the formalist theory of art. Some environmental ists have found fault with the modes of aesthetic appreciation of nature that are associated with these two views, charging that they are anthropocentric, scenery-obsessed, superficial, subjective, and morally vacuous. On the basis of these failings of traditional aesthetic to nature, five requirements of environmentalism are pinpointed: that the aesthetics of nature should be eccentric, environment-focused, serious, objective, and morally engaged. The essay then examines two contemporary positions in environmental aesthetics, the aesthetics of engagement and scientific cognitivism, assessing each in respect to the five requirements of environmentalism.
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期15-27,共13页 Academic Research
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