
睡眠和记忆干预对老年人记忆功能影响 被引量:4

Effects of sleep and memory intervention on memory among older people
摘要 目的通过对社区正常老年人进行睡眠和(或)记忆干预,探讨睡眠对老年人记忆的影响。方法采用随机抽样的方法,应用行为记忆测验工具第2版(RBMT-Ⅱ)和匹兹堡睡眠指数量表(PSQI)对河北省唐山市某社区60岁~的老年人分睡眠+记忆干预组、单纯记忆干预组和对照组进行记忆功能和睡眠质量测试。结果与对照组比较,2个干预组回忆信息(即刻)、面部再认、定向等7项差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);回忆故事(即刻)、回忆姓名和PSQI得分,睡眠+记忆干预组分别为(5.37±2.32),(3.50±0.57),(6.53±3.28)分,较单纯记忆干预组的(4.22±1.41),(2.73±1.62),(8.70±2.84)分亦有提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论老年人睡眠质量对记忆有一定影响,在记忆干预基础上配合睡眠干预,能更好地延缓老年人记忆功能的下降。 Objective To discuss the effects of sleep and memory intervention on memory among the elderly in community.Methods In one community of Tangshan city,the memory and sleep quality of the people at age of 60 years and above were tested by Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test Second Edition(RBMT-Ⅱ) and Pittsburge Sleep Quality Inex(PSQI).Ninety elders with both sleep disorders and dysmnesia were chosen and divided into control group,memory intervention group and the sleep+memory intervention group.After the intervention,the effects of intervention were compared.Results Compared to the control group,there were significant improvements in recalling message(instantly),face recognizing,orientation in the two intervention groups(P0.05).Compared to the memory intervention group,there were significant improvements in recalling story(instantly)(5.37±2.32 vs 2.75±1.62),recalling name(3.50±0.57 vs 4.22±1.41),PSQI score(6.53±3.28 vs 8.70±2.84) in the sleep+memory intervention group(P0.05).Conclusion The sleep quality have an influence on memory among the elderly.Sleep intervention combined with memory intervention is more effective for postponing the decline of memory among the elderly.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期518-519,共2页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 河北省科技厅科技支撑项目(2009276103D-7)
关键词 睡眠干预 老年人 记忆功能 sleep intervention older people memory
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