Objective:To investigate actue obstruction of Colorectal cancer cases in the Principles,of Surgical treatment,methods and prognosis. Methods:Retrospective analysis 46 cases of colorectal cancer surgery of acute obstruction of the clinical data. Results :46 Patients cases of right colon resection,one -stage anasto- mosis in 5 cases,6 muntinely modified Hartmaan. lcase sigraoid colostomy,8 cases of low rectal cancer,3 routine Dixon, Miles 2 cases,2 cases improved Hartmmm lpatint died. 3 routine Dixon, Miles 2 cases,2 cases improved Hartmann HU Xue - peng,ZHAO Hai - feng,XIA Ming. Ⅰ patint died. Conclusions:Surgical treatment of acute colorectal obstruction is the only method, specific methods must be in accordance tumors in patients with systemic conditions and local Circumstances choose the right way, implanted stent, and change for a period of emergency Surgery,is the treatment of colorectal cancer complicated with acute obstroction of the future development direction.
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