
无机纳米复合水凝胶 被引量:5

Inorganic Nanocomposite Hydrogels
摘要 近年来,纳米材料由于具有诸多奇特效应而备受关注。将无机纳米粒子与高分子水凝胶复合,可以很大程度地改善传统水凝胶的使用性能,因而成为近年来水凝胶研究领域的热点课题之一。纳米材料的形貌多姿多彩,相同材质不同形貌的纳米材料对复合材料性能有着不同的作用。本文从不同形貌(层状、管状及球状等)的无机纳米材料对复合水凝胶性能影响出发,以无机纳米粒子的形貌分类,综述了当前无机纳米复合水凝胶的研究进展。 Recently, inorganic nanocomposite hydrogels being their more excellent properties have been attracted considerable attention on the field of hydrogel researching due to the nano-fillers having many peculiar effects. Furthermore, the structural morphologies of the nanoparticles are various, such as lamellar-, tubal- and spherical-like, and different structural morphologies of nanopartilces should have different effects on the final properties of the composites. Up to now, various inorganic nanoparticles with different structural morphologies, have been already applied to prepare composite hydrogels, which showed distinct properties. In this paper, the research progress of inorganic nanocomposite hydrogels, based on various structural morphologies of nanoparticles, is reviewed.
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期948-952,共5页 Progress in Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.50633030)资助
关键词 无机纳米粒子 水凝胶 复合 形貌 inorganic nanoparticles hydrogels composite morphology
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