
广西和广东优质常规稻的SSR遗传多样性分析 被引量:3

Genetic diversity analysis of high quality conventional rice varieties grown in Guangxi and Guangdong using SSR markers
摘要 为探讨广西、广东近年育成的优质常规稻品种(系)的遗传多样性,以均匀分布在水稻基因组上的16对SSR多态性引物对101份优质常规稻进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,16对引物均表现出多态性,共检测出55个多态性位点,平均等位基因Ap为3.4375,有效等位基因数Ae为2.0492,平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4760;聚类分析结果表明,不同水稻品种(系)间遗传相似系数变幅为0.6802~0.9798,说明SSR标记能够揭示不同材料间较高的遗传多样性,将101份水稻品种(系)完全区分开,为两广地区水稻品种资源的研究利用提供理论依据。 The studies were undertaken to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship amongst high quality conventional rice varieties grown in Guangxi and Guangdong. The genetic diversity of 101 high quality conventional rice samples was analyzed with 16 pairs of SSR primers evenly distributed in 12 chromosomes of rice genome. All SSR primers showed polymorphism with 100% polymorphic locus rate. The 16 pairs of primers amplified polymorphic bands with 55 alleles, and the average alleles (Ap), effective alleles (Ae) and polymorphism information content (PIC) were 3.4375, 2.0492, and 0.4760, respectively. Cluster analysis indicated that the genetic similarity coefficients among 101 high quality conventional rice varieties ranged from 0.6802 to 0.9798. It meant that SSR markers could reveal the genetic diversity of these materials and completely distinguish the 101 rice samples, which would provide theoretical basis for investigating rice varieties resource from Guangxi and Guangdong areas.
出处 《广西农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2010年第4期303-306,共4页 Guangxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 广西青年科学基金项目(桂科青0728025) 广西农业科学院科技发展基金项目[2006001(Z)]
关键词 优质稻 SSR 遗传多样性 广东 广西 high quality rice SSR genetic diversity Guangdong Guangxi
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