
基于日志分析的用户搜索行为研究 被引量:5

Research in User Behavior Based on Log Analysis
摘要 用户行为分析是改进搜索引擎的重要依据,为了更好地理解中文搜索用户的检索行为,在引入分词的基础上对搜狗搜索引擎在一个月内的真实查询日志进行了分析,对查询语言、查询长度、rank和网页深度与点击次数四个方面的用户行为进行分析。所得结论对改进中文搜索引擎的设计和更准确地评测检索效果都有较好的指导意义。 User log analysis is important for improving search engine. In order to better understand search behavior of Chinese Web search users, we introduce Chinese word segmentation to present an analysis of Sogou Search Engine query log over a period of one month. The analysis includes search language, search length, rank and click times, page depth and click times. These conclusions may help improve design in Chinese search engine and search performance evaluation methods.
出处 《莆田学院学报》 2010年第2期70-73,共4页 Journal of putian University
基金 福建农林大学青年教师科研基金(07B18)
关键词 用户行为 搜索引擎 日志分析 RANK 网页深度 中文分词 user behavior search engine log analysis rank page depth Chinese word segmentation
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