

A Distributed VOD System Design
摘要 视频点播(VOD)是目前广受网络用户欢迎的应用服务,而节目调度问题始终是VOD系统方案设计和实现中的一个重要问题。该文针对互联网的用户点播特点,从用户行为和节目流行度入手,详尽分析了系统体系和用户点播流程。通过改进基于流行度的节目调度策略,采用每个节目不同片段分块备份存储和不同时间实时调度相结合的方案。实验表明,该方案的边缘Server资源利用率较高,系统能达到较好的服务性能。 Nowadays,VOD system is widely welcomed by the network user,and scheduling problem is always an important issue of the system solution design and implementation. In this paper,based on the Internet user feature,from user behavior and program popularity, analysised the user processes detailedly. By improving the scheduling program based on popularity,different segments of each program divided into pieces stored combined with real time scheduling in different time. Experiment show that the use ratio of resource of each server is higher and the system can achieve better service performance.
作者 庞瑞娟 夏又新 PANG Rui-juan,XIA You-xin (wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430063,China)
机构地区 武汉理工大学
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2010年第3期1637-1638,1644,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 节目调度 分布式系统 用户行为 视频点播 program scheduling distributed systems user behavior video-on-demand
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