
论以人的发展为导向的经济发展方式转变 被引量:15

Transforming the Economic Growth Mode by Taking Human Development as the Orientation
摘要 转变经济发展方式是中国现阶段经济社会发展所面临的一场重大而深刻的变革。要真正使这一变革达到预期目的,必须明确基本导向问题。推进中国经济发展方式的转变,应该明确提出"以人的发展为导向"。从理论上分析,这是马克思主义的精华,也是当代人类文明发展的基本价值取向;从现实角度分析,它是摆脱"GDP中心主义"惯性运作的理性选择;从未来趋势分析,则是适应中国新阶段人的需求发生新变化的必然要求。以人的发展为导向转变经济发展方式,应把握以下四个着力点:在需求结构方面,重在提高居民消费率;在产业结构方面,重在发展现代服务业;在要素投入结构方面,重在实现主体的自主创新;在可持续发展方面,重在寻求"天人合一"、绿色发展。要做到以上诸点,不可避免地要触及深层的体制问题,尤其是以下四方面改革刻不容缓:第一,改革收入分配制度,解决"三个倾斜"问题;第二,改革城乡二元体制,推进城乡一体化;第三,按照"广义产权论",构建环境产权制度;第四,促进政府转型,这是转变经济发展方式的关键之所在。 In China's current development of economy, it is a large and profound change to transform the mode of economic growth. If the desired goal is truly to be achieved, the issue of the "basic ori- entation" must be made clear of. This essay holds that, in transforming the economic growth mode, the principle of " taking human development as the orientation" should be clearly put forward. Theoretically, the principle reflects the essence of Marxism, possessing the fundamental value in the development of contemporary human civilization ; and in practice, it is a rational choice of getting rid of the inertial operation of "GDP-centrism" ; and from the analysis of future trends, it is also a necessary requirement of a-dapting to the new changes of human demands in China's new stage. For transforming the economic growth mode by taking human development as the orientation, the following four points should be focused on: on the structure of requirements, attach importance to the improvement of the "consumption rate"; and on the structure of industry, lay stress on the development of modern service industry; and on the structure of input factors, give an emphasis on the independent innovation of the main body; and in the aspect of sustainable development, think highly of the "harmony of man with nature" and the green de- velopment. And the accomplishment of the above-mentioned will inevitably be touched on the deep institutional problems, especially the following aspects, which should be reformed urgently. First, improve the system of the income distribution so as to solve problem of the "three tilts"; secondly, improve the dual structure of urban and rural areas so as to promote the urban-rural integration; thirdly, in accord- ance with the " generalized theory of property rights", establish the system of environmental property rights; fourthly, promote the transformation of the government, which is the key to the transformation of the economic growth mode.
作者 常修泽
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期5-18,共14页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 经济发展方式 人的发展 基本导向 经济体制 economic growth mode human development basic orientation economic system
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