

Narratives on dialogues:Dialogues in the third person narratives of Burger's Daughter
摘要 《伯格的女儿》是一部典型的对话小说。小说的第三人称叙述者与人物和读者的对话颠覆了小说叙述权威,赋予小说人物以独立的思想意识和言说自由。这也体现了小说作者的立场:颠覆南非社会的宏大叙事,让肤色、种族等因素构筑起来的宏大叙事权威支离破碎,个人得以以平等的机会参与构建新型、自由、平等的南非。 Burger's Daughter is a typical dialogical novel.This paper aims to analyze the dialogue between the third person narrator and the characters and the reader.This layer of dialogue overturns the narrative authority,endowing the characters freedom to express their authentic ideas.The dialogue demonstrates Gordimer's stance: to overturn and fragment the grand narrative of South Africa,built upon racial and color barriers,and to build a new,free and equal South Africa.
作者 王梅
出处 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期46-50,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 《伯格的女儿》 对话 叙述 颠覆 Burger's Daughter dialogue narrative overturn
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