无线网络在运行过程中,为了适应新业务的需要,往往需要将一个BSC(bases tation controller)的基站数据迁移至另一个BSC,进行站点割接,并且保证割接前后基站性能不受影响,业务数据不发生变化.为了克服传统割接方式效率低、出错风险高的不足,提出了一种全新的站点批量割接的解决方案并给出了该方案的系统需求分析、可行性和软件流程.该系统在中兴通讯基于TMN规范的网管系统上加以实践,实现了完全独立的站点数据的自动化割接,并且具有较强的系统可移植性,具有比较重要的现实意义.
In order to adapt to the need of new service, wirel ess network often requires a site data cutover from one BSC base station to another in the running process. The performance of base station must be guaranteed and the business data shall not change after cutover. In order to overcome the low efficiency and high risk of errors, a new solution of mass site data cutover is presented in this paper. Analysis of system requirements, feasibility and software flow are also given. This solution has been realized on ZTE TMN network management system and achieved a fully independent automatic cutover of site data. Moreover, it supports transplant, and can considerably simplify the site moving an d cutover operation.
Applied Science and Technology