

Expressed Sequence Tags Analysis of a Liver Tissue cDNA Library from Rhesus Monkey,Macaca Mulatta
摘要 恒河猴是重要的实验动物模型,其遗传学研究对于科学分析、应用动物实验结果有重要意义。我们从恒河猴肝脏cDNA文库随机挑选401个克隆单向测序,获得393条有效序列,拼接和聚类后得到221个非冗余EST序列。Swiss-prot数据库比对发现有188个Unigenes序列与已知蛋白质匹配,并与人有高度同源性,其中16个为已知恒河猴蛋白质。BLASTN比对显示,另外的33个Unigenes序列中,有26个Unigenes序列与已知恒河猴基因匹配。dbEST数据库比对表明有3个Unigenes序列为新发现的恒河猴EST序列。 Rhesus monkeys(Macaca mulatta) are human's closest evolutionary relatives next to Chimpanzees,and they are widely used in biomedical researches.Analyses of the rhesus monkey trasnscriptome and the sequence divergence between monkey and human are of importantce to the development of scientific analyses and to the application and interpretation of the results from animal experiments.In this study,we analyzed the genetic and transcriptional information.Four hundred and one clones were randomly selected from a liver tissue cDNA library of rhesus monkey,and the expressed sequence tags(ESTs) were sequenced.We acquired 393 effective ESTs that were assembled into 221 Unigenes with Phrap software.Alignments of the sequences showed that 188 Unigenes matched with known proteins in Swiss_prot database,of which 16 Unigenes matched the known rhesus proteins,and 171 Unigenes had high homology with human proteins.Then the result of BLASTN comparison showed that 26 of another 33 Unigenes matched the known rhesus genes.Finally,the remaining Unigenes were aligned in dbEST and rhesus genome database,and the results suggested 3 Unigenes be newly discovered ESTs of rhesus.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期358-364,共7页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家科技部863计划资助项目(2006AA02A117) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30772037) 中国博士后基金资助项目(20080430195)
关键词 恒河猴 CDNA文库 肝脏 表达序列标签 Rhesus monkey cDNA library Liver Expressed sequence tags(ESTs)
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