结合第二次全国土地调查城镇地籍数据库建设工作,以北京苍穹数码测绘有限公司自主研发的城乡一体化软件KQGIS为建库平台,提出了数据库结构设计框架及建设流程。根据第二次全国土地调查的技术标准和规程,基于KQGIS平台完成了甘肃省某县城镇地籍数据库。该数据库涵盖城区11.33 km2的土地面积,包括7200宗地及道路网和水系等地籍信息。在数据库建设过程中,分析了数据格式转换、数据检查及处理、参数设置、数据库维护等关键问题。通过对数据库的检测和实际应用,该地籍数据库的各项功能均达到了预期目标,实现了土地资源的动态管理和统计分析。
According to the technique standards and procedures of the Second National Land Resources Investigation, this paper concerns on a county cadastral database construction based on KQGIS platform in Gansu province. The database structure design framework and construction procedure are proposed for the county. This database covers whole urban area 11.33 km^2 of the county, it includes cadastral information of 7200 land parcels, all roads and rivers networks. In this paper, some key procedures such as data format transformation, data checking and disposal, parameters setting and database maintenance are also discussed. From the database tests and practical application, it indicates that all functions fulfilled the objectives. Furthermore, resource administration and dynamic statistics can be realized as well.
Geomatics World