

Exploration of Magnetron Sputtering Technics for Preparing High-phosphorous-doped p-type ZnO Thin Films via Phosphorous Diffusion
摘要 在前期通过n+-Si衬底中的磷向沉积于其上面的ZnO薄膜的扩散制备高掺磷p型ZnO薄膜的研究基础上,探索了较有普遍应用意义的扩散法制备p型ZnO薄膜的磁控溅射工艺。结果表明,当磁控溅射的氧氩质量流量比与衬底温度满足特定的低阶指数函数的匹配关系时,所制备的ZnO薄膜为p型,而且薄膜中磷原子的深度分布是均匀的;另外,这种薄膜的厚度随着氧氩流量比的增加而减小,而薄膜中氧锌原子浓度比都大于1,比值大小与氧氩质量流量比和衬底温度有关。 A magnetron sputtering technics for general use in preparing high-phosphorous-doped p-type ZnO thin films via phosphorous diffusion from n^+-type Si substrates to the deposited ZnO films was investigated based on the earlier studies.The exploration results show that the ZnO films are p-type and the depth distributions of phosphorous atoms in the films are all homogeneous when the relationship between the mass flow ratio of O2/Ar and the substrate temperature in magnetron sputtering deposition satisfies a typical low order exponent matching function.Moreover,the thickness of the films prepared according to the matching function diminishes with the increase of the flow ratio of O2/Ar,and the atomic concentration ratios of O/Zn in the films are always greater than 1 and relate to the flow ratio of O2/Ar and substrate temperature.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期490-493,510,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 广东省自然科学基金(No.04011770)
关键词 P型ZNO薄膜 磷扩散法 磁控溅射工艺 p-type ZnO thin films phosphorous diffusion magnetron sputtering technics
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