乌布撒拉蛇形丘是指穿过瑞典乌布撒拉市的一条蛇形丘,根据对乌布撒拉蛇形丘的形态、结构和沉积物粒度分析,本文认为,该蛇形丘主要形成于冰川下河道中,在冰退后曾没于水下,随后渐渐出露水面;在 Malaren湖北岸的蛇形丘的增生(Esker enlargement)可能受入湖河口环境的影响;蛇形丘和基岩面最低部位的平面分布基本一致,反映冰川中的河流也可能受原始基岩地形的控制。
Uppsala esker was named because it passes through the Uppsala City, Sweden. Based on the studies of from, structure and grain size of the esker, it is concluded that most of the Uppsala esker was formed in subglacial channels and it was beneath water and showed up gradually after deglaciation, the esker enlargements in the northern bank of the Malaren Lake might formed at the mouth of ice channel, and that coincident of the distribution of esker and bedrock relief suggests that river in ice maybe controlled by bedrock relief.
Journal of Shanxi Teachers University(Natural Science Edition)