为了制定中国健康中青年女性全血比粘度参考值的统一标准提供科学依据 ,本文收集了中国各地用毛细管法测定的健康中青年女性全血比粘度参考值最主要的因素 ,随着海拔高度的逐渐增大 ,健康中青年女性全血比粘度参考值也在逐渐的增大 ,相关性很显著 用逐步回归分析的方法推导出了一个回归方程 如果知道了中国某地的地理因素 ,就可以用回归方程估算这个地区的健康中青年女性全血比粘度参考值 依据健康中青年女性全血比粘度参考值与地理因素的依赖关系把中国分为青藏区、西南区、西北区、东南区、华北区。
In order to supply a basis for uniting the reference value standard of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity,a ressarch is made about relationship between the reference value of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity and five geographical factors.It is found that altitude is the main factor affecting the reference value of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity.As the altitude increase gradually,the reference value of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity also increase gradually,the correlation is quite obvious.Applying the method of mathematical regression analysis,one regression equation is given out.If geographical values are obtained in some area,the reference value of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity of this area can be reckoned using regression equation.Furthermore,according to the similarity of the reference value of Chinese healthy adult and young women whole blood contrast viscosity,taking the altitude as the main dividing basis and considering effects of other geographical fcators and population distribution,Ching can be divided into six regions:Qingzang,Southwest,Northwest,Southeast,nNrth and Northeast regions.
Songliao Journal (Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金资助项目!( 49771 0 0 7)
whole blood contrast viscosity reference value geographical elements regression analysis hemorheology