
英国东南亚特派员与粮食供应(1946—1948) 被引量:1

British Special Commissioner for Southeast Asia and Food Ration(1946-1948)
摘要 太平洋战争结束后,重返东南亚的英国试图全面重建战前的殖民统治。鉴于战后东南亚地区普遍的粮食危机已导致一定的社会、政治危机和外交困境,英国政府派遣凯勒恩勋爵为东南亚特派员主管东南亚地区的粮食供应并促进东南亚区域经济合作。自1946年3月16日至1948年3月27日,凯勒恩勋爵召集了一系列会议,组建了各地的联络机构,疏通粮食供应的交通渠道,促进粮食生产,并同东南亚主要产粮国(本文仅论暹罗)展开外交联系以保证英属东南亚地区的粮食进口。特派员的工作在一定程度上缓解了东南亚粮食危机,促进了东南亚各国的战后重建,为英国在该地区的经济与防务合作战略开辟了道路。 After the ending of Pacific War, Britain returned to Southeast Asia and intended to reconstruct the colonial administrations. Because the popular shortage of food in Southeast Asia had led to social, political and diplomatic crises, the British government dispatched Lord Killem as Special Commissioner to tackle the foodstuff supply problem and promote the cooperation in the region. From 16 March 1946 to 27 March 1948, lord Killearn convened a series of conferences, formed a set of liaison office system, reopened the traffic lines, and encouraged the rice cultivation. Furthermore, he negotiated with the main rice export country in Southeast Asia (that is Siam in this paper) through diplomatic channel to ensure the rice import of British territory in Southeast Asia. The contributions of Special Commissioner for Southeast Asia relieved the food crisis in Southeast Asia in a certain extent, promoted the reconstruction, and paved the way for British economy and defence strategies in the region.
作者 杨文娟
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2010年第2期56-61,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 东南亚 东南亚特派员 凯勒恩勋爵 粮食配给 区域合作 Southeast Asia Special Commissioner for Southeast Asia Lord Killearn Food Ration Regional Cooperation
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  • 1S.R.Ashton,Documents on British Policy Overseas,(DBPO),Series Ⅰ,Volume Ⅷ,London:Whitehall History Publishing,2002,p.19.
  • 2Nicholas Tarling,"Some Rather Nebulous Capacity:Lord Killearns Appointment in Southeast Asia",Modern Asia studies,20(1986),pp.559-598.
  • 3Roger Buckley,Occupation Diplomacy:British,the United States and Japan,1945-52,London:Cambridge University Press,1982,p.19.
  • 4S.R.Ashton,Documents on British Policy Overseas,(DBPO),Series Ⅰ,Volume Ⅷ,London:Whitehall History Publishing,2002,第61页.
  • 5A.J.Stockwell,"British Documents on the End of Empire(BDEE)",Malaya,Part I,The Malayan Union Experiment 1942-48,London:HMSO,1995,p.121.
  • 6David Sanders,Losing an Empire,Finding a Role,London:The MacMillan Press Ltd,1990,p.84.
  • 7Junko Tomaru,The postwar rapprochement of Malaya and Japan,1945-61,London:The MacMillam Press Ltd.,2000,pp.55-59.
  • 8尼古拉斯·塔林著,贺圣达等译.《剑桥东南亚史》(Ⅱ),云南人民出版社,2003年,第274-304页.
  • 9A.J.Stockwell,"British Documents on the End of Empire",Malaya,Part I,p.311.
  • 10T.N.Harper,The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya,London:Cambridge University Press,1999,p.80.











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