
略论17-19世纪望加锡在马来群岛的贸易角色 被引量:1

Macassar's Role in the Malayan Archipelago's Maritime Trade from the 17^(th) to 19^(th) Century
摘要 16世纪后国际贸易的不断扩大、殖民者东来及马六甲的陷落,促进了望加锡等新港口的诞生。本文主要阐述17-19世纪望加锡在马来群岛贸易角色的嬗变,剖析其兴衰的内外因素,并探讨这一时期马来群岛各贸易势力之间的利害冲突。 After the 16^th century, international trade continued to expand, colonists went east and Malacca tell. All of these promoted the birth of some new ports, such as Macassar and so on. This article mainly elaborates the evolution of Macassar's role in the Malayan Archipelago's maritime trade from the 17^th to 19^th century, analyzes the internal and external factors of it's rise and fall, and discusses the interest conflict among the trade forces in the Malayan Archipelago during this period.
作者 冯立军
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2010年第2期79-84,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"东南亚华族与其他移民族群国家认同 族别认同的比较研究"(08BMZ032)
关键词 望加锡 贸易 马来群岛 Macassar Trade the Malayan Archipelago
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