The investment in fixed assets(IIFA) is an important element in China's economic growth.However,there has been no agreement about the effects of the fiscal policy,one of the important devices to adjust and control China's macro-economy,on the investment in all social fixed assets.Starting from the source of the capital for the IIFA,we have,in this paper,made a case study on dynamic relationship among the state fiscal budget fund,the fund from companies,the money supply,the sale rate of industrial products,and 7-day call loan rate among banks.With an analysis of the identification of China's economic system,we have constructed a five-factor SVAR model,The results of our calculation indicate that the impact of the government investment on the investment of private sectors(IOPS) is not conspicuous,that the IOPS is sensitive to the change in the aggregate demand,and that the government investment impacts on the IOPS by means of the effect on the aggregate demand,thus revealing the way to the impact of the government investment on the IOPS.
Journal of Management World