

QoS-based bottom-up service replacement for Web service composition
摘要 为了适应开放环境中动态变化的Web服务资源,保证组合Web服务持续满足业务需要,提出一种支持QoS约束、基于自底向上的服务替换方法.从组合中需要被替换的单个服务出发,基于合成模式迭代地选出可以作为整体被替换的服务子图.使用历史数据及QoS约束对这些服务子图的备选替换服务进行筛选,并基于多属性决策方法(MADM)进行效能评估,最终选出满足全局QoS约束且使效能最大化的服务.实验结果表明,该方法能够有效扩大替换服务的选择范围,替换结果优于传统服务替换方法的结果,可以更好地保证组合服务的整体QoS指标得到维持和优化. A QoS-based bottom-up approach for services replacement in Web service composition was proposed to adapt to the dynamically changing Web service resources in open environment and ensure the composite Web service meet the business requirements continuously.Starting from the component service in question,a subgraph of the composition containing the Web service can be replaced as a whole.The subgraphs are identified iteratively based on the composition patterns.The candidate services for replacing the subgraph are selected based on usage data and QoS constraints,and then further evaluated using multiple attribute decision making (MADM) method.Finally,the service that meets the overall QoS requirement and maximizes the utility function is chosen.Experimental results showed that compared to the traditional service replacement method,the proposed approach can find more candidate Web services for replacement thus maintain or improve the QoS of the composite Web service more effectively.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期700-709,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
关键词 服务替换 WEB服务组合 QOS 自底向上 service replacement Web service composition QoS bottom-up
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