
雷米芬太尼与芬太尼在小儿扁桃体摘除手术中的临床观察 被引量:1

Clinical application investigation of remifentanil and fentanyl in pediatric tonsillectomy
摘要 目的:探讨雷米芬太尼在小儿扁桃体摘除术中的有效性和安全性。方法:将30例患儿随机分为雷米芬太尼组(R组)和芬太尼组(F组)。R组给药:氯胺酮2mg·kg-1、丙泊酚lmg·kg-1、雷米芬太尼1μg·kg-1和罗库溴铵0.5μg·kg-1诱导插管,维持以输液泵泵入丙泊酚4~10mg·kg-1·h-1和雷米芬太尼0.25~0.5μg·kg-1·min-1;F组给药:氯胺酮2mg·kg-1、丙泊酚1mg·kg-1、芬太尼3μg·kg-1和罗库溴铵0.5mg·kg-1静脉推注诱导插管维持以输液泵泵入丙泊酚4~10mg·kg-1·h-1,间断静脉推入芬太尼1μg·kg-1·h-1。分别记录患儿麻醉前、插管前1min、插管后1min的SBP、DBP、HR;术毕停药后患儿自主呼吸恢复时间、呼唤睁眼时间、拔管时间;术后24h恶心、呕吐情况。结果:R组患儿术后呼吸恢复时间、呼唤睁眼时间、拔管时间与F组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);麻醉诱导前两组血流动力学相似,插管前1minR组HR慢于F组(P<0.05);插管后1minR组SBP低于F组(P<0.05);术后恶心、呕吐的发生率及患儿年龄、性别、体重、手术时间等一般情况无统计学意义。结论:雷米芬太尼对血压、心率等血流动力学有良好的可控性,其麻醉镇痛效果好,诱导和苏醒迅速,术中平稳,不良反应小,值得临床推广。 Objective:To investigate the effects and safety of remifentanil and fentanyl in pediatric tonsillectomy.Methods:30 patients were randomly divided into remifentanil group(R) and fentanyl group(F).R group administration:ketamine 2 mg/kg,propofol 1mg/ kg,remifentanil 1μg/kg and rocuronium 0.5 μg/kg induced by intubation,to maintain the infusion pump with propofol 4~10 mg/(kg·h) and remifentanil 0.25~0.5 μg/(kg·min);F group administration:ketamine 2 mg/kg,propofol 1mg/kg,fentanyl 3 μg/kg and rocuronium 0.5 μg/kg,induced by intubation with intravenous injection,to maintain the infusion pump with propofol 4~10 mg/(kg·h),intermittent intra-venous injection with funnepal 1 μg/(kg·h).To record SBP,DBP,HR at preoperation,preoperative 1 min and postoperative 1 min,recovery time of spontaneous breathing after operation,calling for eye opening time,extubation time,and postoperative 24h vomiting and nausea.Results:The recovery time of spontaneous breathing after operation,calling for eye opening time and extubation time in R group had statistical difference compared with the F group(P〈0.05).Hemodynamics before anesthesia was similar in the two groups.HR at 1min before extubation in R group was slower than that in F group(P〈0.05),and SBP at 1min after extubation was lower than that in F group(P 0.05).The occurrence of postoperative vomiting and nausea had no statistical significance.Conclusion:Remifentanil has better controllability to hemodynamics such as BP,HR,with better analgesic effect of anesthesia,rapid induction and awakening,smooth operation and few adverse reactions,which is worthy to be popularized.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2010年第10期1461-1462,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 雷米芬太尼 芬太尼 小儿扁桃体 Remifentanil Fentanyl Pediatric tonsillectomy
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