Objective To investigate the roles of two distinct intracellular signal transduction pathways:Protein Kinase C (PKC)-dependent and calmodulin-dependent, in the contractile mechanism of the clasp and sling fibers, the two parts of human lower esophageal sphincter, in comparison with circular muscle from gastric fundus and esophagus. Meanwhile the roles of extracellular and intracellular Ca2 + in this process were studied. Methods ( 1 ) Cells from the clasp fiber, the sling fiber, the circular muscles of the esophagus and the gastric fundus were contracted by exposure to aeetylcholine, bombesin and substance P. (2) When Protein Kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway inhibitors H7, calmodulin-dependent pathway inhibitor CGS9343 B, Ca2+ -free medium or substitution of 4 mmol/L Sr2 + for Ca2 + were used, the cells were incubated in appropriate solution for 5 min before addition of agonists. The length of each cell was measured by video-based motion edge-detection system. Results Maximal contraction of the cells of the clasp fibers was blocked by H7 ( 5 ±1 ) %, ( 5 ±2 ) %, (6 ± 2 ) % and by incubation in Ca2+ -free medium (4 ± 1 ) %, (6 ± 1 ) %, (3 ± 1 ) % ,but not by the CGS9343B and 4mmol/L Sr2~. By contrast, Maximal contraction of the cells from sling fibers was blocked only by CGS9343B ( 3± 1 ) %, (4 ± 2) %, (6 ± 1 ) % and 4 mmol/L Sr2+ (5 ± 2) %, (3 ±1 ) %, (6 ±2) %. Conclusion Contraction of the sling fibers and the circular muscle of the gastric fundus depends on release of intracellular calcium and activation of a calmodulin-dependent pathway. While contraction of the clasp fibers and the circular muscle of the esophagus depends on influx of extracellular calcium and activation of a PKC-dependent signal transduction pathway.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery