3Rabinovich, D: Dmitry Shostakovich Composer, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959.
4Redepenning, Dorothea: "'An art made tongue-tied by authority': Shostakovich's song-cycles", in Shostakovich Studies, Ed. David Fanning, Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 208-211.
5Schwarz, Boris: "Dmitry Shostakovich", in The New Grove Russian Masters 2, Ed. Stanley Sadie, MacMillan, 1986, pp. 175-232.
6Stevens, Bernard: "Shostakovich and the British Composer", in Shostakovich: the Man and his Music, Ed. Christopher Norris, Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., 1982, pp. 149-162.
7Fanning, D: Shostakovich, pp.52-55.
9Redepenning, D: "'An art made tongue-tied by authority'", pp. 208-211.