
CT肺血容积坠积效应产生原因的探索 被引量:2

Exploration on the Causes of CT Volume Efficiency of Pulmonary Blood
摘要 目的探讨CT肺血容积坠积效应(VEPB)产生的原因。方法在2007年12月—2009年1月间在北京军区第261医院全部住院并行胸部CT检查的患者中随机抽取178例患者的胸部CT检查资料及临床资料,以胸部CT检查中发生坠积效应与否进行分组,分为阳性组和阴性组,结合临床资料中的年龄、性别及心功能状况进行回顾性分析,并进行统计学分析。结果坠积效应在该院住院患者中发生率为40.4%,95%可信区间为33.1%~47.7%;阳性组中50岁以上者的比例较阴性组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);阳性组中心功能欠佳者较阴性组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论肺血容积坠积效应的发生与患者年龄以及心脏功能有关,与性别因素无关。 [Objectives]To explore the causes of CT volume efficiency of pulmonary blood(VEPB).[Methods]The data of chest CT examination and clinical data of 178 patients who were randomly selected from all inpatients with chest CT examination in 261st Hospital of PLA from December 2007 to January 2009 were collected.According to the occurrence or not of VEPB,the patients were divided into the positive group and the negative group.The data of chest CT examination combined with the age,sex and cardiac function condition of clinical data were analyzed retrospectively and statistically.[Results]The incidence of VEPB among the inpatients in this hospital was 40.4%,and 95% confidence interval was 33.1%~47.7%.The proportion of the inpatients over 50 years of the positive group was significantly higher than that of the negative group(P0.01).The incidence of poor cardiac function of the positive group was significantly higher than that of the negative group(P0.01).[Conclusion]The occurrence of VEPB is related to the age and cardiac function of patients,and it is independent of sex.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2010年第9期1072-1074,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 CT 肺血容积坠积效应 心脏功能 CT Volume efficiency of pulmonary blood Cardiac function
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