
ZCTC压电晶体的结构与声表面波传播特性研究 被引量:1

Study on the SAW Properties of ZCTC Piezoelectric Crystal
摘要 本文研究了ZCTC(ZnCd(SCN)4)单晶的晶体结构、能带和态密度,计算了ZCTC压电晶体的X、Y和Z切型的声表面波速度与机电耦合系数。研究表明,ZCTC晶体声表面波速度在2500~7000m/s之间,X切机电耦合系数的最大值能达到0.5%,但是在达到0.3%以上的切向中声表面波速度通常高于4000m/s。与石英晶体相比,ZCTC晶体机电耦合系数较大,但不利于声表面波器件的微型化。 The crystal structure, energy band and density of states of ZnCd(SCN) 4 (ZCTC) single crystal was studied. The surface acoustic wave (SAW) velocity and electromechanical coupling factor of ZCTC are calculated for its different cuts. Studies have shown that ZCTC crystal SAW velocity is between 2500 m/s and 7000 m/s. The maximum electromechanical coupling factor ( k2 ) of X-cut is O. 5%, but SAW velocity is always higher than 4000 m/s when k2 is above O. 3%. Compared with the quartz crystal, ZCTC single crystal have large electromechanical coupling factor, but it isn 't conducive to the miniaturization of SAW device.
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期422-425,430,共5页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 教育部科学技术研究重点项目资助(108023)
关键词 ZCTC单晶 能带结构 声表面波速度 机电耦合系数 ZCTC single crystal band structure surface acoustic wave velocity electromechanical coupling factor
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