
高功率轴快流CO2激光器的数值模拟进展 被引量:3

Progress of numerical simulation of high power fast-axial-flow CO_2 lasers
摘要 综述了国内外高功率轴快流CO_2激光器数值模拟的研究进展。分别从理论方程、计算方法、计算结果3方面对已有的数值模拟进行了比较和分析,重点探讨了理论模型的组成形式、物理意义和近似条件,分析了不同计算方法的优缺点,列举了不同计算结果得出的激光器性能和参量之间的关系。最新结果表明,轴快流量激光器的性能和输出与放电管的结构,电极结构,管内的温度场、速度场、压力场和湍流状态等参量分布都有关。依据轴快流CO_2激光器和计算机技术的发展,提出了轴快流CO_2激光器数的数值模拟未来需要改进的方向,进而对基于新的计算平台的数值模拟结果在激光器的优化和设计方面的应用前景进行了展望。 The research and development of the numerical simulation of fast axial flow CO2 lasers, and the main purposes, methods results and application meanings of the numerical simulation were reviewed. The comparison and analysis of the numerical simulation were made on three points as theory equations, numerical method and computation results. The forms, physical meanings and approximations of theory model were disused, the advantages and disadvantages of different numerical methods were analyzed, and the different computational results about the relation between the parameters and performances of lasers were listed. The latest results showed that the discharge characteristics and laser output were relative with structures of discharge tubes and electrodes, distribution of velocity, temperature, pressure, turbulent status and other parameters. According to the development of fast-axial-flow CO2 lasers and the computer technology, the improving direction of the numerical simulation was proposed and the application prospects of modeling results under new computing platform were made for design and optimization of lasers.
出处 《激光技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期339-342,376,共5页 Laser Technology
关键词 激光器 模拟 数值计算 CO2 轴快流 lasers modeling numerical simulation CO2 fast-axial-flow
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