
径向吸气室对离心压缩机级性能的影响 被引量:3

The Influence of Radial Inlet Volute on the Stage Performance of Centrifugal Compressor
摘要 采用CFD手段对某离心压缩机级性能在轴向和径向两种不同的进气方式下进行了数值模拟,得出了在这两种进气方式下离心压缩机在3种机器马赫数下的级性能。分析了由于径向吸气室引起的叶轮进口流动参数周向分布不均匀而引起的级性能恶化以及叶轮对吸气室内流动的影响,得出了3点结论。 The numerical simulations are carried out with the types of radial inlet volute and axial inlet volute of some centrifugal compressor stage perfor- mance using the CFD means. The stage performance with the radial inlet and axial inlet at three variable machine Mach numbers is presented. The stage per- formance deterioration by the flow non-uniform at the impeller inlet plane due to the radial inlet volute and the influence of impeller on the inlet volute flow are analyzed. And three conclusions are come out.
作者 龙峰 谭佳健
出处 《风机技术》 2010年第2期7-11,共5页 Chinese Journal of Turbomachinery
关键词 离心式压缩机 径向吸气室 级性能 数值模拟 centrifugal volute stage performance compressor radial inlet numerical simulation
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