
社会支持、学习观和自我效能感对学习主观幸福感的影响 被引量:65

The Influence of Social Support,Learning View and Self-efficacy on Middle School Students'Learning Subjective Well-being
摘要 通过对469名初中生的问卷调查,考察社会支持、学习观、自我效能感与学习主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)初中生学习主观幸福感总体在中等水平以上,不存在性别差异;非重点学校学生学习主观幸福感低于重点学校的学生;学习主观幸福感随年级的升高而逐渐降低。(2)控制了人口学变量的影响后,社会支持、学习观和自我效能感对学习主观幸福感仍有显著影响,其中自我效能感对学习主观幸福感的影响作用较大。(3)社会支持对初中生学习主观幸福感既具有直接影响,同时也具有间接影响;初中生学习观和自我效能感在社会支持和学习主观幸福感之间起着部分中介作用。 A survey using a cluster sampling of 469 middle school students across three grades was conducted to examine the relationship among social support, learning view, self-efficacy and learning subjective well-being. Results showed as follows: ( 1 ) The general tendency of middle school students' learning subjective well-being was above medium. There was no difference between sexes. Differences existed among schools and grades. Students from non-key-school had lower learning subjective well-being than those from the key-school. Learning subjective well-being gradually decreased with the higher grades. Grade-three students had the lowest learning subjective well- being. (2) After controlling the demographic variables, social support and learning view, self-efficacy was significantly related to learning subjective well-being. ; among the three variables of interest, self-efficacy had the strongest impact on learning subjective well-being. (3) Social support had direct and indirect influences on students' learning subjective well-being. Moreover, the relationship between social support and learning subjective well-being was mediated by learning view and self-efficacy.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期282-287,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划重点课题(ABA07014)
关键词 学习主观幸福感 社会支持 学习观 自我效能感 初中生 learning subjective well-being social support learning view self-efficacy middle school students
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