DSP处理器采用VLIW结构提高了指令级并行度,同时也增加了为其开发汇编器的难度。本文在汇编器GAS(GNV As-semb lor)的基础上,讨论了为VLIW结构DSP开发汇编器的关键技术。该技术通过分析汇编指令的串并行信息为DSP产生指令包;通过相关性检查改善了代码膨胀问题,在保证汇编器功能正确的同时,提高了性能。
VLIW architecture is used to improve the performanle of DSP,bnt it also poses a challenge to assember to genorate efticient binary cale for it. The Key tochnique which is useful for cloveloping a VLIW/PSP assembler is Pvoposed in this paper based on gwu assembler. An instruction package generator is employecl to produle instmction - level - paraUolism package for DSP, ouel cleperdenly analysis is acloptocl to rednle code size of the application. This technigue not only ensnres correct ousput, but also imploves performanle.
Microcomputer Applications