Change in the level of γ - amino - butyric acid (GANA) and its receptor in hypothalamus of scalded rats at the early stage was observed and then the effect of GABA in paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus was blocked to observe changes in cardiovascular indexes and surviving timeof the scalded rats. The results revealed that at early stage post scald, GABA level in rat hypothalamusincreased significantly, glutamic acid level decreased, while other amino acid transmitter level had nosignificant change. The maximal combining capacity of GABA receptor increased significantly, whilethe dissociation constant kept no significant change. Blockge of the effect of GABA in paraventricularnucleus of hypothalamus of scalded rats resulted in significant increase of blood pressure, left ventriclesystolic pressure and left ventricular pressure maximal nuctuation rate and prolonging of survival time.These results suggest that central GABA level can affect the function of cardio - vascular system ofscalded rats at early stage and the active site may be paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers